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Visit FastHands, the parkour theme park and play in the safety of our quantum realm. Bring your friends and have fun exploring our endless courses.

Must do experiences for your visit

  • Run, jump, and glide through the air
  • Climb with ease using spider fingers
  • Hit boosts to feel the speed
  • Shoot targets (or friends) with your slingshot
  • Beat the courses then randomly generate your own

Learn more

Ganymede, Jupiter’s most boring moon. We blew it up, harvested and entangled all its lovely Quantumite and replaced Ganymede with the FastHands playground. Hurrah!

I’ll not bore you with the technical babble about quantum mechanics and superposition state, all you need to know is that courses form as you progress, anything can change and your reality won't necessarily match your friends.

Early Access

This quantum stuff is complex and we're planning to push out lots more features. Will strange things happen? Yes. Will that stop it being a blast? No.


Chat in our discord channel or contact us, details at: www.x82hub.com/fasthands

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