A downloadable game

Winner of the Accessibility VR/AR game jam 2020

I am trying to make this game fun and accessible to as broad a range of people as possible whilst also providing the typical VR experiences and interactions that people enjoy.

Read more about the ideas in my article on Accessible VR

Accessibility features:

  • Can be played seated
  • Play with 2 or 1 motion controllers or just using your gaze instead
  • Analogue stick movement or teleport to optimised positions
  • Button presses are not required, but they can be used speed up selections

To toggle gaze control mode (which is off by default), press 1 on your keyboard.

I have lots more ideas to further improve the accessibility but please let me know what you think of this first version. Thanks :)

Goal of the game

Find the missing statues and place them in their original locations (identified by placeholders) to activate the portal to the next level. The game currently includes the tutorial levels that were created as part of the 48 hour game jam.


Tested on Oculus Rift.


IntrepidIntentsV1.zip 298 MB

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